Sunday, September 27, 2015

Privatizing Taxation

Microsoft's Carbon Emission Tax 

Microsoft along with other companies has implemented an internal tax structure to tax itself in an effort to address the environmental concerns that result from carbon emissions. Microsoft along with various other companies has begun self regulating in an effort to address various environmental concerns. Regulation of carbon emissions is a global concern that is addressed by many governments most recently in the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit. Global leaders met to discuss the growing environmental concerns in their countries.While countries are attempting to address these issues on a global level.  Microsoft and 437 other companies are imposing taxes upon themselves and allocating the tax to internal sustainable energy initiatives. The company has saved over $10 million dollars in energy expenses through it's internal taxation campaign. Microsoft expects to save over $20 million through its reduced use of carbon emissions. Companies such as General Motors and Exxon Mobil have began internal taxation of carbon emissions also reducing their energy costs. Some of the companies imposing taxes are not reinvesting the internal taxes for sustainability initiatives but have imposed the internal tax in anticipation of governmental regulations that may be imposed in the coming years. The concept of internal private taxation has emerged among large and smaller scale companies to further the functionality of the business and to address social and political concerns. Microsoft's actions are consistent with the global stance on carbon emission which is the importance of its limitation. Read about Microsoft's internal taxation structure and the movement that exists among larger corporations to create sustainable alternatives within their corporations.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Raising Taxes

Increased Taxes for Hedge Fund Managers

Both Jeb Bush and Donald Trump propose a tax increase for Hedge Fund Managers. The proposed tax would require the classification of income earned as income rather than gains on investment as the tax is currently classified. Bush proposes a reform of the carried interest policy which allows profits from managing funds to be taxed as as investment gains rather than earned income. This along with other reformations of the tax code are proposed by both Bush and Trump. These reforms come as a surprise to many as Bush and Trump are no strangers to wall street and are aware of the various loopholes used by hedge fund managers to avoid paying taxes. Increasing taxes on income earned by hedge fund managers will result in greater taxes earned which could be reinfused into the economy. As many politicians have mentioned throughout the course of their campaigning a reform of the tax code is necessary to properly allocate resources. The codes expensive policies allow for individuals with access to tax specialists to take advantage of various loopholes within the code which take away from the benefits that should exist under the code. An increase in taxes for those who can afford to pay inversely effects lower income individuals that pay regressive taxes that they cannot afford. An increase in the taxes of income of individuals who can afford to pay would result in great benefit for individuals that are unable to afford to pay regressive taxes.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Earned Income Tax Credit